welcome to the demo of the spiritual sequel of cryptid coffeehouse, in which you and kurou— your best-worst-frenemy— are lost, alone, and together in the city for 24 hours due to stressful and unforeseen circumstances. this guy really does get under your skin and he makes you want to peel your face off, but he's kind of hot, so... what will you do?

this demo is approximately 20% of the full game and takes around 20-30 minutes to play, being 1 out of the 5 acts that create a single, full route cycle. there are currently 5 routes planned, and the first act is shared between all five routes. to keep up with my development of the full game, follow me on my twitter or my tumblr,  or join the official cryptid coffeehouse discord server :-) if you would like to support me and my work, you can tip me on my ko-fi page. all proceeds will go to making kurou as hot and evilnasty as possible!!!

when you are finished playing, please also feel free to submit some feedback on this google form. i would love to hear from you!

content warnings: lots of swearing, sexual tension, some risqué jokes, mild threats of violence, and one big annoying sexy demon boy.


FYI: if the game is really slow, to the point that it's almost unplayable (especially in google chrome), try switching to a different browser (basically anything but google chrome). the game runs very beautifully in desktop safari, and i would imagine it would work well in any browser that doesn't viciously datamine and gobble up 99% of your ram :P


story, character illustration, gui design, and programming by nyewks. welcome to nukes nation, baby!

background art by robin yao. follow them on twitter!

music and sound design by gnommen (louis martini). stream his music on spotify and soundcloud!


Development log


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love love love! can't wait for more!


Moorrrreeeee!!!!!!!!! this is my favourite one EVER!


I need more omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

i LOVE a good (fr)enemies to lovers!! cant wait to play the full game




this is so good excuse meeee

This is so good I loved it! When the game is full can it be played on Android? Or browser? I hope so cuz i really liked it



this is awesome


Might actually be one of my favorite games, honestly. And it's not even completed yet. The banter and the subtle tension is just written so well, the conversations feel natural, the character designs are interesting and I absolutely adore some of the choices given to us. I, most of the time find MCs unlikable/spiceless; but definitely not this time.


when will the full version be released?


Once the full game releases will it be playable for android users?


probably not— optimizing a game like this for a smaller screen is pretty difficult! if enough people want it though i'll see what i can do


ah, that's a shame, but hopefully people do, but I understand if it's to difficult!! I'm also wondering if it'll stay playable on browser?


no, it'll shift to pc + mac downloads :-) it'll be playable on browser up until the full game is done though

:c i really like this i hope the full game is available in browser

(1 edit)

will it be playable for iOS users 

any updates on when the full game coming out?


hiii :-) i'm currently working on a dlc for cryptid coffeehouse, but after i finish up with that, i'll be diving into kurou connect dev! i hope to finish the dlc during the first half of 2025, then i plan on creating a small patch for kurou connect that will mostly involve some art updates... that will be released most likely sometime in the late summer/early fall. 

the full game is going to take quite a while since the script i've planned is relatively sprawling, but i plan on releasing builds of the game as i finish scenes & routes. i'll probably make some paid patreon tiers ($5-$15/mo i'm thinking) to upload those builds on as making this game will cost a lot of money ^^; but the demo will always be up for everyone to play!

if all goes well, i'm aiming for the full game to be released in summer of 2026. i work on these things by myself alongside my day jobs so we'll see if the timeline changes o_o but i appreciate your patience and support in the meantime!!! :D <3


I am so unbelievably excited for this game. A Kurou dating sim??? Enemies to lovers??? I cannot wait for this to come out omg


question, i saw on pinterest text messages about how the storyline is going to go for Kurou connect, and was wondering if that'd be the canon ending/storyline? no spoilers obvi to anyone else reading this, but is that gonna be the story?


yes, but with a couple of edits!! the storyline depicted in those texts is story for the "true" route, but i've edited quite a bit of smaller details to make it more streamlined. there are going to be other routes aside from the true route and things will change as i write it naturally, but for now you can take those messages as a rough outline of what's going to happen :-) if you have any more questions about it, i'd be happy to answer them in a more longform way on my tumblr :D

ohh okay !! Thank you !! :D

what did you search up 

just kurou connect and their account showed up first!


I wont him

yooo im loving this gameee , when are we gonna get the full game ?


this is a stunning brilliant question LOLLLL... well... i'm currently working on the final final final version of cryptid coffeehouse (version 3.1), and after that i have a silly dlc that i'm going to be writing for cryptid coffeehouse as well. once that's finished, i'll be locking in full time on kurou connect soo.... i hope to get started on that by mid-2025? cryptid coffeehouse has taken me about three years to make to completion, and i hope that kurou connect won't take that long lol sooooo....... hopefully full game will be out 2026? there will be ways to play in-progress demos though. i've got a lot brewing over here :-)

yippiieeeeee aahhhh and good luck too hehe ngl my best friend has a persona kinda alike kurou and it was that which got my attention and lmao even the character itself reminds me of my friend wich was hilarious cus personality is comp. different lol but yea good luck :>


I have an old ver. of Cryptid coffeehouse on a USB, that's the one I remember even through I been played the current one and for some reason I got surprised that Kurou has hair. I'm stupid.



This game is so so good! I love how we get an introduction to all of the characters before the story starts! I really enjoy the character designs and how significant they are. I wish we could've had more options to be nicer to Kurou but it's nothing bad! I overall really enjoyed this demo and wished it was longer. The art style is also just YAYAYAY. UGHHH ONE OF MY FAV GAMES ON ITCH.IO


RAHH when I first played cryptid coffeehouse i was like: 'Kurou is kinda fine...' AND NOW THERES A GAME FO RHIM AND IM SO HAPPYYYY


Dude cant wait for the 'update' in-which 'we' as in 'us' as in...'player'???

This story is pretty dope and i hope I can read the rest of it once it's finished..

Hamburger for your troubles😛🍔


I already played the entire game of Cryptid Coffeehouse and adored it! The nice, warm ambiance of getting to know the love interest personally and emotionally. I've always had an interest with the other characters and was really excited to play this demo. I've already completed it and fell in love with Kurou and I can't wait for more demo content!


i really wish i could play the main game :((  i don't think  my chromebook can handle downloads... so this is all the lore i can get without reading an essay.. really fun and great game though!! i love all the characters so much


damn bruh, I have no patience


i'm starting to see this man in my dreams now. i keep coming back to replay this demo so many times to feel something. I. LOVE. HIM! (and my baby boo artemis💜)




IM THIRSTING>  yeya me likey




maybe you've done this already, but i couldn't find the button for it. do you think you could make it so you can change your pronouns? i'm genderflux so i don't like sticking with just the one set


basically no one says your pronouns, at least i couldn't find many instances, so i dont think this would be added. good idea though, i would like to have  people refer to me with multiple pronouns..






another day...another day of being a kurou lover. artemis, babygirl, y'all will have to share the #1 spot, I can't choose!! 😣

I keep seeing my mc as a angel like cryptid ( I know angel arn't cryptid but want something close) between him and Huruo the love be odd but sweet 

mine is a silly goth vampire :3


I'm so excited for this!! he was one of my favorites in Cryptid Coffehouse! 


this is so damn good!! i love itttt. 

everytime i see artemis i just wanna hug them XD but damn dw kurou we will find your baby.


I love this!

But who the fuck took the car >:I


fell to my knees when artemis was on screen and didn't run into my arms. THIS IS SO GOOD THO NUKES!! keep it up! love ur work as always <


BABBABABABBA I LOVE THIS- hes so sillyyy /pos


here i am again to insult him lovingly <3


here once again to get another fill of my love, kurou. i could write a 100-page essay on how much I love him and want to smooch (and smoosh) him!!!!

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